Talked to Scrapbook Friend'z, there are only a couple of seats left for the Christmas Wall Hanging class on there. This class is the most fun yet. This is only 2 of the 5 sections we make. PAS girls loved their works of ART.
I gotta admit. Lots of extras in the kit for more Christmas magic and door prizes to add to that list!!!!

I gotta admit. Lots of extras in the kit for more Christmas magic and door prizes to add to that list!!!!
Don't forget to go to Tim's blog and see his first Christmas Tag tonight!!! The 1st of 12 Days of Christmas.
I'm sure it will have all kinds of goodies and give-aways going on there. He is a Santa in and of himself.
And this is a tiny canvas that I practiced my Beeswax art on yesterday. The picture is my mother and I took it with my NEW CAMERA!!!! YEAH!
Remember, it's taken THROUGH the wax, so it is a bit cloudy. But the rest of the picture is very clear.
Soooooo cool! Love my new Canon Power ShotSX200 IS...and it's METALLIC PLUM in color. That was what really sold me, along with the 12.1 mega pixels and the 12X zoom.
That and the fact that I think I can "figure the thing out."
MAN does it take GOOD pictures. Love it, love it, love it!!!!!!!!!!!! My Anniversary Present....thanks Bill.
So, tune in later at Tim's Place. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.