After watching Tim and
Ten Seconds Studio's video, I
HAD to get the
alcohol inks and metal together. .
So....the one on the left is using the felt pads to add color, the one on the right is using the pen with alcohol ink in it to
PAINT the color on. This is what you can do at 11PM at night!!!!
I kind of dab it and put it on, then take it off. The trick is not to use too much as it removes the color already there. And it
WILL remove the color of the metal, too. Way Cool! I like the mottled look of "
old tin tile" that I think it created.

Then, bright and early this AM, the delivery man struck again!!! Oh, happy day!

Megan and Cheryl sent the metal and tape for
Scrap St. Louis!!!
AND a whole bunch of
KabuKAs to play with there! How cool is that???? (Who says that in demos, can anyone guess?) Do I feel a prize pin in the offering for who is correct.
So, if you want to use these new terrific
Molds from
TSS...register to come to St. Louis in April. I'll bring them to
Bloomington on Sunday, too!
Have a great day...I know what I'm going to be doing!
UPDATE: And this was it! The
Cabin Red is much brighter in person. (See the shot above.) See the green
alcohol ink on the leaves?
And I added the bottle green to the butterfly. Wendy said to try it, I decided to sleep on it. Sometimes midnight is not a great time to add to a project. Too many times it goes in the trash, but here, I think it worked!
Create ART!