Just got an email from Lori who was in my Christmas Wall Hanging class. She used some of the many leftovers from the class to make this adorable little tree!
(I snagged her photo from her blog.) AND there's a tutorial on just how to do it!!! BONUS!
On another note, we went to Springfield yesterday with friends to see the Lincoln Museum. It's the Bicentennial year of Lincoln's birth. If you ever get in the neighborhood it is really wonderful. I have been to a lot of museums, but this one is elegant.
The shot above is of the Lincoln family with John Wilkes Booth leaning on the pillar to the left. You enter and see the White House as it was in Lincoln's time.
You visit the kitchen as well as the Cabinet Room. There are wax figues as well as real people in period dress. It's hard to tell the difference. This is where Lincoln announced his Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet.
And right now it is dressed up for Christmas.
Take the time to go. You won't be disappointed.
Love your photos of Lincoln. I happened to be in Hodgenville, KY (Lincoln's Birthplace and Boyhood Home) a few weeks ago. If you ever get there you must visit both places. There is also a wonderful Lincoln Museum on the square!
We've been celebrating in our area as well!
Isn't Lori's tree amazing! It's hard to believe that when I met her on the cruise in October she didn't even have a blog. Look at her now!
Thanks for sharing.
Eileen in NYC
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