What a terrific place!!! It's like Michael's on steroids!!!! All the little individual storefronts are really cute. And they have that many sections clear to the back loaded with STUFF! They even had lots of Vintaj!!! I was amazed. And TONS of lines of papers and stamps of all kinds. ROWS of them.
I did my part to help the economy recover...and got some neat wooden things for an upcoming class.
The first picture up there is of another spot with a pretty reflection. Of course, my photography does not do Mother Nature justice. But I tried.
The Sea Gull...or as my sister-in-law Bonnie calls them, two legged rats....just wait for me to toss my minnow off the end of my hook so he can dive for it.
I'm going to read the rest of my book, so I can start the new Dan Brown one. We've been so busy I haven't gotten the other one done. Can't wait for this new one.
Then Bill can watch the game downstairs, and I'll watch the new shows upstairs in the loft. Oh, and Prime Rib tonight at the local "hot spot" Dino's.
What more could a girl ask for?
Last sleep over.....
Thanks for stopping in to us and the wonderful review you gave of our store. Hope you are enjoying your time in MN. Make sure to say "Hi" if you are in the area again.
Blimey ... they have invited you back ... you must have been well behaved ... just kidding hun ... sounds like a fab break and a fab shop X
Hi Linda!! It's been a busy week at my place and now I'm catching up on my blog reading. I love all your pictures... the reflection ones are so pretty!! Tell your hubby that it was my pleasure :))) LOL I'm so glad you had fun shopping there and found some stuff!!! Have a safe trip home!!
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