Friday, June 7, 2019

Overcoming the Evil Beast with Paint and Pen


Do people still blog or even read blogs??? I don't know. Who has the time?!?!

Well, I must admit, I don't do a lot of creative things like I used to, but I still find time to play now and then. We've had quite year with a wedding and 3, yes 3, high school graduations! Now we're getting ready for a trip to Mt. Rushmore. The garden is in as well as I'm going to get it, and the rabbits and bugs are really enjoying it. Oh, well.....

Anyway, this is a piece of rapidograph paper from one of my forays into a different art medium. It is like watercolor paper, but has a bumpy look to it. (why, I don't know) But it has a wonderful texture already built in. The color is off-white, but not quite ivory. I'd liken it to old paper found in the pages the monks created, but that's just me. This is not up everyone's alley, but I really enjoy doing these. It's liberating.

I started with watered down Liquid Acrylics from Finnabair, then used several different black archival pens of all sorts to add the fine lines and doodles. I also used a white poster paint sharpie. I have always loved to do this type of project - as a telephone long distance operator (that's really aging me) I would be bored and doodle at the board resulting in a reprimand from the night supervisor. That and chewing gum didn't go over well with Velma. 

This shows you the puddles of color, some have been doodled on and some have not. It just gives you an idea of what is underneath the penwork. The Carmine was amazing when only slightly diluted here. I see a pattern of rust on the horizon.

The evil beast is gradually being pushed out and covered up with joy and happiness in the flow of colors and designs.....there ya go!

This is another area that has been worked on. The process could go on forever, but I chose to leave some of the larger background areas just as they were. The blended colors of the liquid acrylics was really amazing. 

As a watercolor artist, I enjoyed this type of work. The difference here is the acrylics LOOK like water colors, but when dry are permanent and will not affect your white pen-work by soaking up the color. You can see this in the Carmine color on the left with the textured paper. I used Tombow pens here and there, but most all of the color is from the paints.

You can find these fun paints at Retro Cafe Art Gallery and I'm positive they will be just as wonderful on watercolor paper since I've used them there in the past. They are really concentrated and highly pigmented paints that do not lose their richness with water. AND the best thing...right now they're ON SALE at 30% OFF!!!

Finnabair Liquid Acrylics Used:

Your Friend in ART, 


A Pink said...

This is definitely 'up my creative alley', Linda. Being a doodler myself especially when sat chatting on the phone back in the day I can so admire your doodling and your superb liquid acrylic painting. The paper is as special as the artwork you have create !

What a celebratory year you and your family have had . Makes me happy when I hear lovely people are lots of happy .
Hope you have a wonderful trip to Mount Rushmore - a place I would have loved to have visited in my traveling days. Enjoy every minute and travel safe .

Amanda x

Linda M. Cain said...

Dear Amanda thank you so much for the sweet comment. This is so much fun and requires so few supplies to do. It was good to hear from you. Hugs.

Retro Cafe' Art Gallery said...

Love this so much! You are so talented!

Linda M. Cain said...

Thanks Kristin♥️

Beth Norman-Roberts said...

Indeed I still read blogs. This is one stunning piece of artwork. The colours are so very beautiful as is the sketching.

Linda M. Cain said...

Thanks Beth have a great day. ♥️

Phyllis Olson said...

A beautiful piece. I always enjoy your projects and blog. I took a class with you in Davenport, IA oh so long ago.

Linda M. Cain said...

Thanks Phyllis♥️

Anonymous said...

I still blog, although I admit, I have been a bit busy and lazy lately. I love this! Creative doodling at it's best!!
You should do more of it! I hope you are enjoying your Summer and staying cool!