Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who wants to play with METAL?

Want to see how to create this cool embossed metal????  This was in Tim's booth at CHA-W.

Well, we're getting ready to go to Shawnee Kansas and Stamper's Ink to teach fun classes and I'll bring this along to show you how. You will be EXCITED  about metal when I leave!

Lots of very fun things to make with metal and 2 classes have embossed metal in them! We'll talk, we'll hand out samples to play with, we'll learn.

You will be amazed at what easy, fun, projects you can create.

So click on the link, and see the projects, and come and join us in the fun.

Tim Holtz said his time there last month was "flawless"....what more could you ask for???

Must kit up today. Judy and I will be there in about 2 weeks.

Yes, it was HOT in Chicago!

You will love talented and fun.

Can't wait to see all of you.

Let's CREATE ART together!!!!

And here's a few pictures of the absolutely fantastic booth for Canvas Corp! BOY was it great.

Making a class now with some soon to be released papers you will LOVE!



  1. Wow, such lovely projects - really love them all.

    Toni xx

  2. Love the metal piece. Oh to be closer so I could take a class!

  3. me me ME!!! oh man ... if only i were nearer! i've always wanted to etch metal but don't wanna do it at home becos of the babies. but one of these days when they are older or when i have a studio ... hehehehe!!!

  4. great projects! cool pic of you and Judy!

  5. Very cool! Man, I wish you were gonna be there earlier - I'm headed to KC tomorrow. Would love to have met you!!

  6. Very cool! Have fun, Judy is such a sweetheart!


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