Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Few Random Shots of Ranger Booth

Hey everybody! Can't show you the whole project just yet, but I can show you a few Random Shots from the floor in the Ranger Booth.

The one above is one of my favorites! It has the Shrink Plastic AND the new Perfect Pearl Mists used on it. The metal butterfly is from Vintaj...with the Mists!!!!!

I have a fantastic new idea for a class with Vintaj metal and embossing!!!! Can NOT wait!!!

Here mine is in the middle. I thought you'd like to see everyones, but I'm not sure what all was used here except to say, I used the new #5 Kraft Tag with the smashing new Picket Fence Distress Stain and some of the other newly released colors.

Here is mine in the middle on the new larger Kraft Tag.  I LOVE the Industria look here with the Picket Fence on the Grungeboard as well.

HARRY POTTER in Digital 3D was amazing. I have to see it again!

Got to go swimming in the pool again was 92 degrees! Emma and I had a great time.

Michelle and I made 210 Wedding tags today. Punched, stamped, and Distress Inked.....didn't get all the inking done. Tomorrow is another day. They are for a Wishing Tree at the reception. Cool new idea.

That's it for tonight.

Be Well,



  1. Must have been a blast!!!!
    hugs Lynn

  2. Lovely pieces Linda.

    A wishing tree for a wedding reception - that sounds interesting. Also sounds like you've got all the heat your side of the pond - despite it being our summer the temps aren't that good and the evenings can be rather chilly but I'm not sure I'd want it as hot as you have at the moment.

    Have fun with the rest of your inking.

    Toni xx

  3. Fab projects (as always) from you today and must admit to being more than a bit curious about the wishing tree too!


  4. hmmmmm.....look pretty A~MAZING to me!! WOW....200+ tags....holy crap~a~roonie!! it sure sounds like fun though!!!


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