Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thanks from the bottom of my Heart!

You guys made me sooooooooooooo happy.

I can't even begin to tell you how stunned, surprised, and thrilled I was when I opened my blog Monday night and saw how many comments were there!!!! All this of course, due to the fact that Tim had put my project up on his blog with my link! So to Tim, Mario, and all the people who took the time to look at the blog, I am humbled by your response, and definitely Living the Life I NEVER Imagined!!!!

We decided to take a small vacation down to Branson. I'm like Flat Stanley, only I'm Chunky Linda. I take my hoodie all over, and have Bill photo me so you can read my jacket. Believe me, this is the better side of me. Anyhow, I took my Tim Hoodie to Missouri and shopped, saw some shows, laughed until the tears rolled down our faces at the comedians, ate shrimp down on the River Walk and just relaxed. Bill loves country music, I like the comedians.

Got some new boots, love boots, a new purse and presents for Miss Erin's Birthday. And a few other things that called my name.

We stopped at Red Lead and saw Chris. HAD to have some of their too cute Christmas trees and wreaths. This is just a few of my treasures.

This is one of the gorgeous reindeer decorations on the River Walk. (yes, the girls were out putting up the Christmas stuff as we walked along in shirtsleeves in November!)

The fountain has music, dancing waters, and bursts of fire, like at a Rave! (and no, I've never been to one, just saw pictures on TV) I didn't get a shot of the fire, it's really stunning, it was going off as we ate dinner....sorry.

Some of the plants in the gardens around the fountains. They're Ornamental Kale.

Relaxing out in the sun in front of the hotel. It overlooks a gorgeous valley that lets you see for miles.

This is the waterfall and garden at the hotel. The roses were still blooming. The leaves were much prettier than this looks. Ours are all mostly down at home. I couldn't believe how green the grass was there.

So, I'm working on my next project for Tim. It's coming along nicely, I think. I cannot thank you enough for your fabulous emails, comments on my blog and Tim's. I've read every one of them, and it makes me warm inside just to know there are people out there that "get" what we do. You know what I mean!!!!!

Stay tuned and come back. Hope to entertain you again in the near future! In the meantime............

Create ART!
P.S. We set a new date and time for the Scrapadoodle class in Peoria with the Desk Organizers. It's Nov. 21st from 12:30-4. Come and join us. Click on the link for info.


  1. sounds like you had a wonderful trip! wow, are those fire bursts flowers??? amazing and beautiful! i love the colors!! thanks for sharing and i'm happy tim pointed us to your blog :)! *hugs* steph :)

  2. oh wow what beautiful photos looks like you had a wonderful time,love the valey hugs cheryl x

  3. What a wonderful trip looks like you had a amazing time

  4. Wonderful pictures, and do you always have to carry your own bags? Oh, that's so Bill can take pictures of course. lol. Looks like you had a great time, and nice score at the store!

  5. looks like your having fun in the sun....even if it is November, the pics look great thanks for sharing them with us

  6. F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!!!!! Next time can I come & carry your bags? Of course, that means I get to go shopping with you and maybe score some neat stuff, too! LOL

  7. sounds like a wonderful time! I LOVE your hooded sweatshirt - it is sooooo cool! :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Sounds a great time and I love your sweatshirt. But what I really want to know did you manage to get that wonderful reindeer home with you......didn't anyone notice......
    Enjoy the weekend Linda, Annette x

  9. What a wonderful time you had! hey you look great from the back too!

  10. Well, had to say something here! Branson is in my old stomping grounds! My parents grew up about 90 minutes from there and so my grandparents still lived there and even though I didn't ever live in that neck of the woods, every summer but just a couple in my life I have been to Branson and Springfield. We used to spend a couple of weeks in Theodosia on Bull Shoals Lake not too terribly far from Branson and always found a day to go to Silver Dollar City. So your post and pictures brought a flood of happy memories. I don't know that I'll ever be able to bring myself to go back now that my dad is gone so I really enjoyed the pictures and your post. I'm glad you had such a lovely trip there too!


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