Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sneak Peek and Other Assignments!

Hello everybody in the Blogosphere! (sp?)

I'm taking a break from hand painting 3 signs for the band. They are 4'x8'....that's feet, not inches...what was I thinking???? All I have to do is write 1 word on each in Script. Sounds easy, huh? My legs are killing me and my back hurts. It's a lot of bending over. I'll survive.

Anyway, here's what I've been PLAYING with in the studio for the past several days. I'm extremely slow and definitely an over-thinker. But I decided to show you one of my favorite niches just for fun, and hope to get your blood pumping so you can go out and buy a Configuration from Tim. Then make it your own.

Have a great weekend.........and Create ART!

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  1. oo, i love your little niche! wow, you fit a ton of amazing detail in a tiny space!
    hope your legs and back feel better! those are quite large signs to paint. take care.
    thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!
    *hugs* steph :)

  2. Oooo I can't wait to see the rest of it!! Wanting Santa to bring me some configurations!

  3. SO all the treasure in your niche', can't wait to see the entire project. I'm an overthinker as well..I wish I could just be happy with my first thoughts ...BUT NO. Big projects you're doing for the band, my back and arms hurt just thinking about it..LOL..Thanks for the preview and I'll be waiting for the next update..Love those configurations!

  4. I didn't need you to encourage me to wanr Configurations, but you DID with a peek at that one little section... so cool!

  5. What a project! Hope your back and legs recover quickly. Can't wait to see the entire Configurations project.

  6. This is a labour of love and it shows, even the aches and the pains. Can hardly wait for mine to arrive (prize from the CofC) as want to make mine a Christmas one. Enjoy the weekend,
    Annette x

  7. oh wow this looks,just amazing,love what you have done so far cant wait too see the rest,hope you get better soon,hugs cheryl xxxx

  8. OMG your killing me I so love this shadow box I would give my right arm for one

  9. ohhh a sneek peek!!! and a great one at that, can't wait to see the rest!

  10. FAB!!!! I cannot wait to get my inky mitts on one of those Configurations.. I have a little stash of goodies that I have been saving especially for something like this! Thanks for sharing and hoping you got your painting done... you must be bonkers hun, we all do it though.. say YES, I can do that... then seriously question our sanity afterwards LOL x

  11. oh this is cool! I love that you spooled the number ribbon, tres cool!

  12. So clever! Have seen the Configurations but have had no ideas of my own yet...

  13. Looks fabulous so far, can't wait to see the rest!

  14. what a fabulous shrine....awesome treasures tucked inside! love it! :)

  15. Wonderful!!!! The whole thing is going to be truly amazing... I can tell already!!!


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