Friday, March 18, 2016

A Simple Tag for Finnabair Blog

Yes, it's my turn again on the 

Everyone loves to see a project they can make themselves without taking hours 
or days to complete. 

Art is supposed to be relaxing and fun....
(I wish)

instead of creating stress.
(At least that's what I hear...)

So, I tried to make something easy, fun, and 
low on the stress level.

Let me know if it worked.

I started with a plain black #8 tag and 3 of my favorite colors of
Opal Magic Paints.

Aqua-Rose, Pink-Blue and Green- Gold.

with the Clear Messy stamp. You can get both the Black and White Gesso in
the 6 Pack

I used the Aqua-Rose on the Rose that gave it the pinkish metallic color, and sprayed it with Black Cherry Mica Powder+Water Spray. 

This paper rose was an aqua color to begin with. I added Dark Velvet,
  Rich Turquoise, and Light Patina Metallique Paints, and sprayed with Gold and Blue Mica Powder sprays. 

This was an interesting experiment. I TORE very thin strips of old white T-shirt material and soaked it with Sculpture Medium-Clear.

When dry, it makes a nice stiff embellishment for the tag. 

I cut pieces of cotton trim and covered them with Sculpture Medium. 
The metallic gold ric-rac also worked well when wrapped around a metal 
rod and dried.

This is how I used the T-shirt strips behind the piece.

I also add the Medium to the leaf. Then sprayed with the Mica Sprays.

The roses have some glitz added with Black and Copper Micro Beads and
Violet Glass Glitter to really create some contrast.

I mounted it on a piece of black chipboard, added some pen marks, and called it
a day.

I could go on, and know how I am, but I wanted this clean and simple.

I so admire people who can create pieces like that.

So give it a go.....

Hope it works for you.


1 comment:

  1. Fabulous tag! Still haven't done much dabbling in mixed media. Cool t-shirt strip idea. Maybe if I try to replicate it using items on hand I can get the gist of it and try it again with my own ideas.


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