Friday, August 15, 2014

Reason to do The Happy Dance!

Well the big reveal was today, and I'm thrilled to tell you that I will be on the
Anna Dabrowska aka
Finnabair Creative Team!!!!

I've met Anna twice, and I can say without a doubt, that she is as beautiful inside as she is outside. A truly kind and generous person that has more talent in her little finger than I'll ever hope to have.

And this TEAM....OMGoodness!
We're from all over the bloody world! (like that Monika?) Russia, UK, Ireland, Finland, Poland, France, Australia and Ukraine.

These are a couple of the projects I've done inspired by Anna.

So come along and join the fun.
The links to all our blogs are on my Website blogroll, so check them all out when you get time. I'll also post them here.
So don't be a stranger. We are gonna have a blast!
Let the games begin!!!


  1. Congratulations! That's so exciting!!'

  2. Congrats! Well deserved, btw!

  3. You are going to have such fun - and so are we!! congratulations, can't wait to see the art!!

  4. Fabulous news Linda and very well deserved!! Your projects look fantastic! I have been lucky enough to meet Anna twice too and I can totally vouch for what you are saying! Can't wait to see what you ladies will be making!!

  5. It was lovely to see a name I know on her design team. Can't wait to see what you create with her stuff.

  6. Holy hats to be happy about!!! And doing the Happy dance to!!! Congratulations to you to be on such a cool DT Team and worldwide! When you got it- well, Linda- you got it!! Awesome news!! xoxo ")

  7. Linda ... this is such great news. Congrats!!! You are going to be a fantastic addition to Anna's team. Love your pieces -- you have such an eye for color and details. I can't wait to see your DT artwork in the months to come. -- Mary Elizabeth

  8. SSooooo thrilled for you Linda! Well deserved! Looking forward to even more pretties of yours. Congrats!

  9. That's fantastic and they're lucky to have you!

  10. Congratulations! Well deserved honor! Can't wait to see all your ideas come to life as inspiration for others.

  11. So excited for you! They are lucky to have you. Looking forward to more Anna inspired creations!

  12. Fantastic! So happy to see the news on Finn's page... you GO, Linda!!! Looking forward to seeing all your new creations.

  13. Many congratulations! So envious! Well deserved though, looking forward to seeing your take on the Finnabair style.

  14. Congratulations Linda, I'm really happy that you are in this team, that's probably a great one! :) You will certainly do fantastic work in Finnabair Style as usual since all you do is amazing. So, great news!! :D Coco x

  15. CONGRATS - love your makes :)


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