Monday, August 27, 2012

The Olde Curiosity Shoppe Cabinet

Well, of course, to say this collection from Graphic 45 is right up my alley would be and understatement.
I don't know how I resisted cutting into these papers as long as I did, but here is what finally came to bear from my thoughts and ideas, my collaboration with the Man with the Tools, and some help from a really cool cabinet I found at Gordman's.
It was black and had just the middle section when I found it.
The bottom portion I've hoarded for a "decade" Erin and I clarified yesterday for meaning when I told her "I'd been experimenting and dying my hair for decades, so I KNEW what I was doing!"
 Don't we all???
  The top pieces were a laser-cut wooden frame I cut apart with Bill's help. It's painted with Liquid Pearls.
You can see the fussy-cut Butterflies here and there accented with Glossy Accents.
 This detail shows the Cash Keys on Link Chain with Screw Eyes to form a dangle.

  Lots of different types of bottles and some actual vintage "lick and stick" labels here in the right hand corner. I bought them many years unknown at this moment!
The G45 labels are cut and many are colored with TomBow markers, some are left alone with just a bit of Distress Inks for depth.

I LOVE the Eyes and Glasses. A bit of color to make them stand out more.
That is done to ALL the papers that are fussy-cut. So you will see a definite difference in how they began generally. 

  The Tim Holtz PulleyWheels have a chain and jump ring attached to the Flying Pig and the Clock Key.
They're attached with a screw eye in the middle for stability.
When coloring the papers, I usually use the same color pens and just add more color + shadows.
There are lots of papers and stickers layered up with chipboard all over the piece.
The Diamond paper is one of my all-time favorites for background from Communique and trim pieces from Bird Song and Playtimes Past.
There's also Staples Flowers and Stamped Metal Brads thrown in here and there. 

 Just another shot of the top.
The colors are  REALLY  enhanced with the  Glossy Accents  and markers. 

  The Death Microbe bottle on the top right is an actual vintage bottle and cork with some sort or "residue" still in it....ew.
The label is cut from  G45  papers though.
And these are the flowers on the back.
This bottom piece was an old bath salts box.
 And had to show you this shot of the birdcage! It's one of my favorite elements.
That's all I can think of, if you have any questions, just email or shoot me a  question on FB.
I've been trying to answer them as best I can. So don't give up.
I'm here to serve!


  1. Truly incredible, Linda! I'm at a loss for words. Brilliant piece!!

  2. oh my what a lovely piece of eye candy ... just love it all the neat little things that make is so special ... great job ... Linda F

  3. Absolutely stunning, amazing details and a striking way to showcase the wonderful Graphic 45 papers. Amazing. Tracy x

  4. oh my my my my!! there are no words!

  5. So stinkin' cute, Linda. Another fabulously creative and gorgeous piece from YOU!!! <3 Candy

  6. Oh my goodness...there's so much to see on this piece! You are truly amazing with all your fussy cutting, my friend!

  7. another wonderful creation, so much to see and so many wonderful details! trace x

  8. In Italian we say :EVVAI!! Another masterpiece of yours. I love to wake up, looking at my fave blogs and see these inspiring pieces. Thanks for sharing :-)

  9. Wonderful details just make this projects xx

  10. Linda-you ROCK! This is such an amazing piece. All the details are soooo interesting. It's like going into an antique store & taking hours to just look in a 3x3 spot-you see something new every time you look!

  11. Oh my gosh! Another amazing project! This is really cool and you did such an awesome job on it. Who would ever know that this is papers and such? You are an amazing artist!

  12. Linda this is stunning! Just gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing with us and for the inspiration!!

  13. Awesome Linda, so many cool things to see. Even the back is a work of art!!!
    Hugs Lynn

  14. This is really wonderful. You put in a lot of work and it really came out well. Good for you.

  15. Beautiful, stunning, gorgeous! Let me ask you there anything you don't do exceptionally well? Love your artwork, love your mixed media pieces, love it all. Thanks for sharing as always and for the inspiration I can always find on your blog. Take care and may your creative juices flow in abundance as we head into fall.

  16. Love this..........this paper line is fantastic and a little crazy!

  17. wowee Linda this is totally awesome, loving every piece of it. x

  18. I love what you've done here, even the back and sides are completely finished. Love the you mounted. I just used the set.

  19. This is really awsome!!!!!!So much detail! Olde Curiosity Shoppe is one of my favorites too!!!!!

  20. Linda,
    Awesome! What a talented artist you are. WOW!

  21. Linda...what a great work of art - no wait Work of ART! There's so much to see that I don't think I could ever see it all. Love how you've highlighted the "pieces" with additional color and Glossy Accents...more techniques to file away in my tired ole brain! thanks so much for sharing!

  22. Another AMAZING project SSSOOOOOOOOO much inspiration ( maybe in my next life ... LOL ). I love your work !! When I get 'stuck" I look at your work to get ideas!

  23. Marciacrawford65@yahoo.comAugust 29, 2012 at 8:21 PM

    Absolutely incrediable!! Love what you have created!!

  24. Wow! Wow! Wow! Love this. I have been looking at this for days and still don't think I've seen all the details. You've taken one of my favorite papers and made it sing. Great piece of art!

  25. Wow! Wow! Wow!! There is so much interest and detail and gorgeous colors. Just fabulous!!!

  26. Totally awesome...

  27. Oh wowser! All I can say is you are truly a genius. Wish you could do some tutorials (for sale of course) on some projects like these. I am just blown away by your use of the paper and the objects you used on it. So cool!


  28. Hey Linda, Holy shoot! That's a huge project! Really nice job putting all of those little details together!

  29. Fabulous!! What a great big box of fun.... total eye candy!

  30. All I can say is, "Holy Crap, That's Cool!" Nice work, as always, Linda!!!

  31. This is so fantastic, Linda!! I have no words enough to say how I love this!

  32. Well..conscience says: the #1 word used to describe your work.....WOW!!!! Well done and thank you for sharing this!!!

  33. Oh My Gosh! How did I miss this! It's fabulous Linda! It's one of my favorite collections too! Got to love it! Incredible incredible job my friend! A true work of art! Amazing!

    Hugs to ya!


  34. Wow, that's all I can say is WOW. It's amazing Linda, truly a piece of stunning artwork. You are so crazy talented it's ridiculous. I can't even imagine how much time went into this piece? It's really spectacular Linda, it really is.


Thanks so much for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment. Questions are always welcome!