Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy 4th of July Weekend!

It's here....I can hardly believe it's JULY already!!!!!

Had a GREAT time yesterday with the Watercolor Chicks. Birthday lunch and dessert for Ann, shopping the square, perusing the Antique Store, buying chocolates...sales at Abe's. Life is good.

Where does the time go. Erin was just here with Jeff and I cannot believe how big she's gotten this summer....already she's 60" tall and only 10. She's gonna be tall like her mom and gorgeous. (I'm just sayin'.)

So I took some pix of the garden the other day before the heat takes all the great color out of them. The lilies are just starting to bloom at their best, and the hydrangeas are gorgeous. So I'll bore you with them and get it over with!

The Sunroom is our sanctuary under the now huge Ash tree. It's taken over the whole back yard leaving little sun for the lilies, but hostas and impatients love it.

We spend most of our time at home in the Sunroom....really love it.

This is a Mary Todd lily in the back.

This is Orange Sherbet. One of the first to bloom

Geraniums just starting to come out in the pots by the Sunroom.

This was one of my favorite shots. Love the little blue centers.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday to all my USA friends.

GO USA SOCCER on Saturday. You Ladies Rock!!!!



  1. Wishing you a great 4th of July Linda. Your flowers are so gorgeous. Annette x

  2. Have a great holiday weekend - Happy 4th of July.

    Your garden is beautiful - mine is such a mess at the moment what with working full time and the yoyo weather we've been having.

    Toni xx

  3. Love the flower pics!!! They can be such wonderful backgrounds for simple cards!!! Happy 4th to you!!!!

  4. gorgeous photos of your beautiful flowers. I envy having a sunroom.

  5. I so wish we could grow hydrangas here. The desert is just to darn hot! Have a great 4th!
    hugs Lynn

  6. RaNae Beers EllettJuly 4, 2011 at 2:43 PM

    Your flowers are absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Have a safe, fun and relaxing 4th of July Holiday.


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