Friday, June 10, 2011

This is Just a Test!!!

I told you guys on Facebook that we had a double power outage. It didn't seem to bother anyone else, but since I tried to turn my computer back on in between the seemed to blow my computer's mind!

So after several days of messing with getting it back to where I had things before. I thought I'd better try to post to Blogger.

The Followers seems to be a known problem with hopefully THEY will fix that.

To those who think a backup is gonna put everything right back where it was before.....then you're as naive as I was. Doesn't happen like that.

All my email contacts are gone. I had to redo my Microsoft products like that and Word, myself. Hoping to find a better cure soon, and will definitely get an external hard drive!!! So send me an email so I can get you back in my contacts if you have time!!!

So, I'm back to creating the pieces for kits to STAMPER'S INK in SHAWNEE KANSAS for August classes.  That and a few projects for CHA....The class samples should arrive today, so go into the store and take a peek!

.....have a good weekend, and to those traveling to Stamper's Ink for Tim's classes this travels. Have a great time. Say hi to Tanya for me!!!

This is a new sample I put together for the Artful Dwellings with Graphic 45 class. I lost my great picture enhancing program, too. So this is a bit yellow, but I wanted to test the blog.

Had lunch today with our Traveling Buddies Harry and Joni. Gorgeous day out there. Not back to work making pieces for the classes.


  1. Oh Linda, I know how frustrating it can be when things go wrong with the PC - hope you soon get everything sorted how you want.

    Love the dwellings piece it is great.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Toni xx

  2. Such a pain when that happens Linda. Loving your dwelling place sample. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  3. Hi Linda. Do you have any hair left? I am quite sure I would have pulled out every hair on my head after experiencing what you've gone through! Oh my!!! Glad you're back up and running..even if it isn't perfect. Your G45 Artful Dwellings piece is really neat. I just made a piece for my Simon Says challenge when we do "Some Metal" (two weeks). I will be in a couple of Tim's classes at Stamper's Ink next weekend. I'll be sure to tell Tanya you said "Hi". <3 Candy

  4. All I can say is WOW that project is awesome! LOVE everything about it!

  5. Hi Linda -

    I LOVE your sample project. Just beautiful! And oh my God, what a headache for you with the pc! You don't realize how much we rely on these things until they go "kaput". I hope all the issues resolve themselves quickly sweetie.

    Elaine Allen
    v e allen 6 at optonline dot net

  6. Oh my, you certainly are having problems. I use Carbonite for my backup. Love it!

  7. Lovin' this Dwellings piece! I hate when the computer goes down and gets you all frustrated! Blogger has been acting so wierd lately for me here.

  8. Oh no Linda, that sounds like a nightmare! Glad your up and running again.
    Your samples is awesome as usual. Have a better weekend!
    hugs Lynn

  9. oh hun,its awful when things go wrong,hope you get back to normal soon hun,love your piece of art hun thought i had missed seeing,classy,detailed art,just love love your work,take care hugs cherylxxxxxx

  10. Absolutely gorgeous work, Linda! Hope you've just about recovered from your computer losses - we've been thru that before and it definitely sucks!

  11. I've had computer problems this year myself although nothing to equal the magnitude of your problems!! Hope everything gets back to normal for you soon!! I love the Artful Dwellings piece, it turned out great!!

  12. Well looks like your well on your way to recovery and that is great news!

    Love your G45 art dwellings! It is fabulous!

    Thanks for sharing!

  13. How frustrating! We have lost a few modems to the when it storms one of my first priorities is to get the computers unplugged!

  14. Fabulous art! Gotta love those computers, what a pain! Hope all goes well in the aftermath! Yuk!

  15. Oh, Linda!!!! Computer problems... YUCK!!!! Big ((HUGS))


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