Saturday, June 4, 2011

Memory Bound in Ankeny....What a Fantastic Treat!!!

I cannot say enough about the wonderful people @ Memory Bound Scrapbook Store in Ankeny Iowa!!!

The people and the students are second to none. AND it's worth a trip from ANYWHERE to see the great products they carry.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the whole experience there.

We've gotten through 2 of the 3 classes without a glitch, and everyone seemed to be happy with their projects. And I could NOT have been happier.

TESS, You are worth you weight in gold as an assistant! You ROCK, girl...just an outstanding person, sweet and the hardest worker you will ever encounter. Thanks a million for all your help! I'll miss you tomorrow, but I can't wait to have fun with your friend who's standing in for you.

Do these 2 look like they are having a good time???? You betcha! SISTAS! So much fun with everyone.

Here's Kellie checking out the works in progress during class. Noses to the grindstone and everyone hard at work.

This is the 2nd class, and it was full!!! YAY! I forgot to take pics of the 1st class, got too involved with all the demos of products and fun questions. BUT you can see Jackie's little Chunky ATC on her workstation in front of her.

They all turned out so cool!!! And the Embossed Metal class was terrific. The color combos were to die for!!!

Look at the vibrant colors here. With so many different colors of Alcohol Inks, the possibilities were endless.

So, after a great Mexican dinner and a Margarita, I'll be back at the store tomorrow with the Artful Dwellings Class.  Hopefully I'll remember to take some more pictures of the projects to share.

Get some sleep tonight, girls, and we'll hit it again tomorrow for a another fun class!

Thanks again to Kellie and Dawn, from the bottom of my heart, for a wonderful setup. Your crew is top-notch!



  1. looook like TONS OF FUN!!! sooooo wish I was there!!

  2. What a fun class, Linda! Sorry I had to leave early, but thanks for your inspiration!

  3. Annette,
    Loved meeting you today! Hope to see you again.


  4. Looks like a great time and it's right here in IOWA! I'd like to have a peek sometime :)

  5. Had a great time today! Thanks so much for a fun time!

  6. Makes it all worthwhile when folk have fun and enjoy the event - looks like everyone is having a great time.

    Toni :o)

  7. Looks like a great turnout for classes! And a great location to have classes!! Love to see all the smiles on peoples' faces as they are learning and creating! <3 Candy

  8. Great classes Linda. You are a blast! I hope Robin and I weren't too disruptive!!!!


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