Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Crossing off things on my "TO DO" list

I've never been much on saving the paper towels that I painted on, or baby wipes I used to clean this or that. Mine really never looked worth saving. They looked more like muddy colors all globbed together. BOY do these babies sparkle!!!!! You've got to click on them and enlarge to see the wonderful detail that I had nothing to do with!!! Just luck...

But recently, while using my

to create the pieces for my classes, I discovered some really gorgeous backgrounds on the large cardboard pieces I used. The reddish spots are just reflections and are actually black...I have no idea how that came about. This is before I sprayed the flowers.

They can't be cut up and put into a collage, or used as background papers, because they are, after all, just corrugated cardboard.....and wouldn't last well I'm afraid. But the thought did occur to me after I stepped back and saw the random creations that were there.

The metallic gold and blues are over the tops of the flat deep blue colors on the boards. The flowers and wings combine into gorgeous patterns. This is after I sprayed the flowers.

Just thought I'd share before I sprayed something else and lost the beauty here.

Still waiting for spring........

rain, rain, and more rain....

would love some sunshine for a change.

A good day to CREATE ART, don't you think?



  1. Hi Linda -

    These are gorgeous! Its a shame you can't do something with them.

    Elaine Allen

  2. Linda... this is trash to treasure you gotta make something with this... Beautiful !!!!!

  3. oh these are just gorouges,I remeber,there was something you could do with these must try to find it again,love all the sparkle hugs cheryl xxxx

  4. A very, very good day to create art and make your own sunshine! These are beautiful!

  5. woo hoooooo what a bunch of happy accidents? I remain SURE that if anyone can think of a use fo rthem then you will!!! You GO Girl!


  6. Oh it would be so wonderful if you could make use of these beautiful surprises.

    Toni :o)

  7. Isn't it great to find colours like these on unwanted bits. You can sew them into your crafts,also make a small envelope etc and they are great cut up into strips to use in collages. Am sure your wonderful creative mind will come up with something, hope this has helped with the brain storming. Hugs Annette x

  8. Only a very creative genius like you could spray randomly and come up with beautiful art. When I grow up I want to be just like you, LOL!

  9. Gorgeous! What a happy discovery!

  10. It's a gift. Like a beautiful sunset you didn't expect to see. Enjoy it and thanks for sharing it with all of us!

  11. Really gorgeous, Linda. I'm sure if you backed them onto something to stabilise them, they would be fine.

  12. Surely something can be made with this wonderful accident!?!?


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