Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ranger Alcohol Inks on Metal and UTEE Project

Two different shots. Metal is hard for me to shoot, and both of these aren't very good...

I had almost forgotten about this project. It was the first one I did for Tim. Candy C showed it on her blog with a great picture, better than the one I could get, and I thought you might like to see it.

This was so much fun working with copper and silver sheets of metal that I embossed with 9 different Texture Fades from Tim's Alterations.

This metal is from Streuter, not the new Metal Foil sheets from Ranger, but the technique can be done with several different products. I made this before I ever knew about the new product from Ranger to show off the Alcohol Inks and Texture Fades.

Then I put them on small square canvases from Blick. Add the Alcohol Inks and various Idea-ology pieces, and the Numbers with UTEE Brightz. Very cool process with the UTEE.

We've had Thunder Snow here and Lightning for several hours. The wind in incredible. Drifts 5' high in back of the house. But so far, no ice!!!!

Be well and stay warm.



  1. Wow! This piece is amazing!

  2. stunning piece of art, love it

  3. I am so inspired by this project! Thanks Linda!

  4. What an amazing piece of artwork. Everything about it draws yoou in to look closer - stunning.

    Gosh your weather sounds horrid - hope you can stay snug indoors and just watch it...5' drifts...Oh My!

    Toni xx

  5. Wow what a stunning piece, you are so inspiring. xx

  6. Yet another wondrous piece from you - LOVING the clock face squares


  7. In a word, stunning! I keep looking at each square over and over. You have been a very busy gal!

  8. wow thats a stunning project... you amaze me with your creativity, so inspiring.
    Also i am just mentioning my free collage sheet which is shabby chic one as there are only a few more hours to grab it before its gone at 3pm UK time. Please pop by if you havent already and help yourself.
    have a lovely day
    hugs June

  9. I saw this from the CHA floor, and although you Tammy and Tim's names were mentioned it didn't say who this specific piece belonged too but I guessed it was probably yours. :) Gorgeous! TFS!

  10. Another absolutely stunning piece of artwork. I've followed your blog for a few years now and I have always thought you were extremely talented, but now I think you've gone to a whole other level (I didn't think it was possible for you to get any better than you already were). I just personally think that your work is flawless, stunning, eye catching and it is the work of a very talented, seasoned artist. Wow!!!

  11. Absolutely metalicious! Love this!

  12. Gorgeous! Amazing and so creative!

  13. I LOVE this!! I've not worked much with metals or UTEE - YET - so this piece is truly inspirational for me!

  14. Linda love the art. I am in St. Louis We got 3 inches of ice and 2 inches of snow. Have not been to school for 3 days and alrady they have called off for Thurs. Getting lots of art done. Stay warm and hope the power stays on.

  15. Linda this piece is stunning - love all the textured metal! You mentioned a UTEE process - what did you do? Can't tell from the photo...

  16. Wow, Linda! That's one GORGEOUS project. Beautiful!!!!

  17. These are stunning pieces, Linda!
    You`re so talented!

  18. Wow, Linda, that's gorgeous. Very rich looking. I am waiting for some metal to come, and am looking forward to experimenting with embossing and using alcohol inks - I like the idea of doing small pieces and putting them together like that. Also about to start using UTEE for the first time, and interested to know how you did the numbers? Did you have some sort of mould?

    I've been hearing about the thick snow in the USA. In the UK it seems to have disappeared - for now! Keep warm and safe!

  19. Ooo, I saw this one too at CHA - it's even more gorgeous in person! Lovely work.

  20. Linda
    this is one AMAZING and brilliant piece. The colors, textures and images are over the top! Gorgeous work m'dear!

  21. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this piece!!! I featured it on my blog because I was so blown away by it at CHA. It's even more stunning in person!

  22. I was fortunate enough to see this piece in person at Ranger before it shipped to CHA and it is absolutely stunning! I don't think a picture could capture the detail and beauty properly. Just gorgeous!!

  23. Wow!!!! Another totally awesome project!!!!

  24. Methinks I need to take a class from you...this is stunning!

  25. I love this. I've got to get some more metal and more texture plates.

  26. I love it!...I love everything you create,they are all little pieces of happy

  27. All you works are just so fantastic. I could just sit here all day commenting on how fabulous they are like a broken record, but it would be very repetitive and boring. Instead I will just sincerely say that your work is like a series of little masterpieces and lovingly put together to perfection. Stunning!! :-)


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