Thursday, February 17, 2011

One More Day.....and a Gorgeous Card

OK bloggers! You've got one more day to comment for the prize on the previous post for the Graphic 45 Le' Romantique paper pad.

But, I had to show you the beautiful card I got in the mail from Lynne Forsythe!!! I LOVE it!!! So vintage and colorful all in one. She did a fantastic job, and it made my day. Check out Lynne's fabulous blog here for her great ideas. You won't be sorry.

Then I thought I'd show you a pile of some of the things going into my upcoming classes. Keep checking the side bar for confirmed dates. We still have a couple of months, but I am I start early.

These are the metal numbers from Tim with UTEE Brightz on them. I WILL do a short tutorial on them for those of you who've asked. Pretty simple, but pictures help to stay tuned.

It's 57 degrees here, and the snow is slowly melting into the ground. But our lovely sunshine from days past seems to have taken a day off. Oh, for Pete's sake, as I sit and type this, the sun came out!!!! First time I've seen it today....hey, maybe I'll try that again. Ha!

Be well and Be good to each other. We're all we've got!



  1. Love the vintage card! And...I love what you're doing with the metal numbers. Very cool! :)

  2. ahhhhh made me blush!! ONLY the BEST for the BEST!!!

  3. Love the card! What you are doing with all the new items are just fabulous!

  4. Can't wait for the tutorial on the numbers! Love the card that Lynne made - just beautiful! And the sentiment at the end of the post touched me!

  5. What a pretty card - lucky you.

    Toni xx

  6. This card is very fabulous.
    Your numbers are super cool. Happy creating...

  7. Great vintage card! It got to 64 here in Iowa :) I opened my windows for a bit!

  8. What a sweet card Lynne sent you!
    snd those numbers are uber kewl!
    hugs Lynn

  9. Hi Linda, again!
    I could've sworn I had already left
    you a note on the FIRST day... so
    where did it GO ? Well, again, I too, LOVE the vintage card!
    And i KNOW I sent you several comments. about the numbers! Thanks
    for commenting back !
    As ever, Moe

  10. The card is lovely...but...I love even more what you commented on at the end of the post...we need to uplift and encourage each will only advance us otherwise it will tear us down!

  11. Hi Linda -

    Lucky girl, that is a gorgeous card! How sweet of Lynn to send it to you. I can't wait to see your tutorial on the numbers. I love the look of them.

    Elaine Allen

  12. I knew as soon as I saw that card that it was Lynne's! lol! Gorgeous! And those numbers look awesome!

  13. pretty card by lynne! oo, love the sneak peaks. hope you have a fabulous friday and weekend! *hugs* steph :)

  14. Lynne is so wonderfully talented & creative!! She always makes such beautiful things!

    Can't wait to hear what to do with the metal numbers 'cause yours look very cool!

  15. I'll watch for the tutorial!! I really like the look on the metal numbers.


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