Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's Been Awhile

I've been busy getting classes together, written up, product ordered, etc, etc, etc.

But I thought I'd share one of the Artful Dwelling houses that I've been playing with. This class will have vintage photos from my private stash for you to choose from. I liked this one, but it didn't make the cut.

You will love these little beauties. Each one a tiny work of ART.

Too much fun!!!

I think this class and the others will really expose you to all kinds of different techniques that will help you create a piece you will love.

Stamping again, and I LOVE the way it really makes your project so cool.

This is a piece of cardboard that I used to spray Perfect Pearls Mists and Adirondack Color Washes on. I was spraying the Flourishes after I'd used the Mist on Rosette strips...see them?

But the pattern really jumped out at me...but then I am easily amused!! ha!

So keep warm.... it appears that Old Man Winter is back in the neighborhood here....hrumph!



  1. oh just love that house,its so cool,and as for the flourish,its just gorgoues,it really does pop out of the screen,just love it you are so talented hun just love love your work,hugs cheryl xx

  2. Your work is always so interesting - the little house is lovely and that swirl is really does 'pop'.

    Toni :o)

  3. The flourish is wonderful, it really does pop. Anyone who gets to take one of your classes is in for a treat.

  4. Very very cool piece! I'll be interesed to see your class postings. :)

  5. Hi Linda -

    Love that little house. It is just so sweet. And I really love your sprayed background. When I spray or stamp off my stamps to take off excess ink, I use the same sheet. After a while, I find that the colors and light images make interesting backgrounds for cards, etc.

    Elaine Allen

  6. Fun times! Yes, old man winter hasn't left yet. He's bound & determined to have the last word.

  7. Love your work, Linda. It's always very surprising and unique!

  8. Wish I lived closer, I'd LOVE to take your class!
    hugs Lynn

  9. How about a class when you visit Oregon!!! LOL! I too wish you were in the great North West! Love that piece!


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