Monday, December 20, 2010

Ok everyone.....

....I'm going to give everyone another day to comment. Then we'll draw a winner tomorrow.

Bill just surprised me with a trip for my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're going to New Orleans in the Spring with our traveling buddies!!!! They are on their way to Arizona sad. NOT!

So I am a happy camper. Everyone stay warm and stay tuned. See you tomorrow! Hope all your shopping and wrapping is done!



  1. Have a grand time!! That's a fabulous surprise...your hubby's a keeper fer sure!

  2. Great surprise trip. I wish someone would do things like that for me!!
    My shopping is done, but the wrapping not... that's tonight's job!

  3. Wow Linda -

    That is some surprise trip! Way to go Bill! So exciting to have something to look forward to. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

    Elaine Allen

  4. What a terrific surprise Linda...ooh you are going to have such fun. Annette x

  5. Ooooohhh nice surprise....New Orleans is on my VERY looooong list of places to visit!

  6. Nice surprise! We have traveling buddies too and it really makes it fun! Enjoy - you deserve it!

  7. Great b'day gift..NewOrleans is an experience that will just blow you away!!!

  8. What a fun trip, Spring is a good time to get out of the snow and go!

  9. What a fantastic present, well done you. A great place to visit.

  10. Hey, way cool! Sounds like you have a pretty sweet hubby! I bet he earned some big time brownie points! haha I'm STILL lovin' your Christmas Configuration box! It is off the charts creative!

  11. Wow! What fun and what a great hubby! Thank you so much for sharing all of your incredible talent with everyone! You are so talented!

  12. Happy Birthday! Yes my shopping and wrapping is done. That is why I have time to play on the computer.

  13. What a great surprise!!! New Orleans is the BEST!! That's a terrific B'Day present!!!

  14. How lucky are you! I am sure you will have a fantastic time. What a great gift from your husband.

  15. yay, new orleans, super fun! love the food!
    i'm still behind. hopefully, i can whip up something before Christmas! happy holidays, linda!
    *hugs* steph :)

  16. What a wonderful surprise...lucky you!! I've never been there, but it sure would be awesome to go!!!

  17. What a thoughtful husband he is...enjoy the trip!
    Merry Christmas

  18. Thanks for the advice, and I am taking it to heart. We had 4 inches of snow last night, I'm not going anywhere, so it's a day in the studio. Merry Christmas!

  19. What a wonderful surprise and hubby. Thanks for sharing your creativity, I always enjoy reading your blog.

  20. You'll have so much fun! Aren't surprises like this just the best??!!?!?!?

  21. Great trip surprise. Gotta finish the wrapping! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.


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