Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!

Making cookies, decorating, putting up tables for tomorrow, and watching it snow...snow....and more snow!

It's like a Winter Wonderland outside our windows. The rabbits are making tracks in the garden and playing. So fun to watch when they stand on their back legs and look around.

To everyone I've heard from in the comments, ( I try to respond to them all if I can find your email address) and those who just stop by and take a look, I wish you all a Blessed Holiday. Be safe and warm and enjoy your loved ones.

This is a tag from last year, but it's one of my favorites. So from all of us here to all of you out there..........

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Bill and Linda


  1. and it's your favorite why???? CAUSE IT'S FANTABULOUS!!! stinkin amazing...Gorgeous...

    once again for my WONDERFUL scrappy Christmas present....A very MERRY Christmas to you and Bill and the rest of your family.....ENJOY YOUR DAY!!

  2. Merry Christmas to you & yours. I found you via Tim Holtz & I'm thrilled to say the least!

  3. That is a beautiful tag, love the christmas lights on it. Merry Christmas!

  4. It's a winter wonderland in progress here...very pretty! Merry Christmas to you and yours! I agree, the tag is phenomenal!

  5. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Thanks for all your comments this past year, I appreciate them :)

  6. gorgeous tag! so detailed and wonderful. thanks for sharing and have a very Merry Christmas! *hugs* steph :)

  7. wow its one amazing tag hun,so beautifully designed,you are a pure genious hun,happy xmas to you too sweetie,love hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  8. Love all that you do Linda. Thanx for coming my blog to let me know that you are glad I have commented on yours. Thanx so much.

  9. Linda, this is soooo VERY GORGEOUS!!!! I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!! Hugs...

  10. Love the tag! It's your usual beautiful work! Love the lovely layers of vintage genius! :) Snowing there, huh? We dodged the bullet here in Springfield, MO. :)
    Merry Christmas!

  11. This is one beautiful tag!
    Merry Christmas!

  12. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope you have a restful and fun filled holiday.

  13. Hope you and your family have a winderful Christmas dear Linda!



  14. Merry Christmas, Linda! another beautiful tag! Your friend in art, Helene

  15. Your tag is so festive and beautiful. Wonderful layers and images.


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