Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turning a Page.....

.....Writing a new Chapter.

Yep, that's what we're gonna do. The Tim Holtz Design Team has come to an end. Tim has been the great leader he is, for a few months. But we all have our limits, even him.

(Keeping track of 10 women, what was he thinking???)

It was a chance of a lifetime. I, for one, was honored, thrilled, and apprehensive of my talents when he emailed and asked me to be on the TEAM. I could not believe my eyes when I got the email....all I could say was "are you kidding me, are YOU kidding me, are you KIDDING me....TIM HOLTZ DESIGN TEAM???????"

But, I shouldered the awesome honor and plowed ahead. I pushed my limits and made more with his products than I ever would have done on my own. I know I reached a point in my life I never in a million years would have ever expected to reach. So, to Tim and the awesomely wonderful Mario, I am deeply, deeply, grateful for the chance to have gone where no one had gone before! Ha!

I know most of the Design Team is going to carry on just like we have been. It's been too much fun to stop now. And he'll support us in what we do, so jump on board, and come along for the ride.

I will try to entertain and share with you anything you want to see. Ask questions, make requests, and tell me about your work. I hope to teach with all his awesome products and carry on as always. His techniques, shortcuts, and stories will be shared, whenever I can, with all of you.

Finally, thanks to everyone, from the bottom of my heart for following me here. The Wreath post got an unbelievable 147 comments. I nearly DIED. We were on vacation and I thought someone had hijacked my blog when I pulled it up on my notebook at the hotel. Seriously. You guys are SOMETHING SPECIAL! (a favorite line in our family from Little Shop of Horrors)

And, like Tammy, I'm going to keep the Badge up....it ain't going anywhere!!!

Your Friend in ART,

P.S. I got some configurations from FedEx today. I think we'll have a prize give-away after Thanksgiving...what do you think???
AND I have a few kits left from the Desk Organizers Class using G45 LeRomantique papers. You get all 10 sheets of the 8x8 papers with lots of left overs. Email me privately if you're interested. An after Thanksgiving Special! Sorry US and Canada only right now.


  1. I've so enjoyed seeing all your Tim creations, What an honor to be on his team, he made the perfect choice when he chose you!!! clap clap clap! I'm not going anywhere, I love to see what your always up to!

  2. I followed you before and I see NO reason to stop now, your art is amazing.

  3. your work was amazing before and I'm sure it will still be amazing now....Tim or no Tim

  4. I'm sure nothing will really change; you will continues to create fantastic art and inspire us. I am glad I found your blog and look forward to what you will do....

  5. You summed it up beautifully Linda.....today is the beginning of your new creative chapter which I know will be truly inspiring.

    Lin x

  6. what a wonderful way to reflect on your experiences! Your projects are gorgeous and I look forward to seeing your next chapter! :)

  7. I figured the dissolve of the DT really wouldn't effect you too much, you've always had a "Holtzy" style and I don't think that will ever change!
    Happy Thanksgiving!! I for one would love a change to win some configurations! Have a great holiday!

  8. The way I see it...you were already on Tim's DT even before he asked you to join. By using his products in your own unique way, your were on the team. His email just confirmed that. And along that same line of thinking, you are STILL on his DT, just not officially any longer.
    I'm sure the experience was life altering, and you will continue to challenge yourself (and your followers).
    I look forward to the continuation of the journey!

  9. Thanks for all the inspiration Linda.

  10. Linda -

    I've been a follower since before Time created his Design Team. I was not the least bit surprised when he asked you to join the team. Your work is just outstanding and you always take my breath away with your pieces of art. It is sad, but understandable that Tim had to dissolve the team. As you said he is so very busy and keeping track of 10 women . . .! What was he thinking? LOL! I bet he loved every moment of it while it lasted!
    I'm not going anywhere, I will continue to be a follower. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

    Elaine Allen

  11. Keep on keepin' on! Will follow you wherever you go. I'll be there. You're always a source of inspiration and a wonderful sharer and enabler. Hugs & wish you a special day of thanks!

  12. I think you earned your Tim DS badge girl!! :) You definitely rock and are an inspiration to me! :) Can't wait to see what you come up with next! I know Margaret and the staff at Friend'z love having you teach!!

  13. Thanks for sharing your talents with us, Linda. I visit your blog daily and love your style!

  14. I love all of your art. I look forward to visiting your blog. You inspire me to try new things.

  15. Linda: Thanks for continuing to inspire those of us who just need an extra push of creativity to get going! I love your work, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!


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