Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

I seemed to have forgotten to show you Emma hunting her Easter eggs from a previous year in one of my Creative Imaginations DT projects.

This was using the Felicity line on a wooden frame. I added Distress Inks....can't be without them...and black Glaze pen marks and stamping to make the colors pop.

The stickers and chipboard pieces from CI match up beautifully. I love the big Color Me Crazy flower from Pelaloo behind the bird. It was inked, pen lined, and stamped. The opportunities are endless with these flowers. (If you want to see some incredable work with flowers, click here and look at the new DT works. They are a remarkably talented group of ladies!)

The white chipboard brings out wonderfully bright and clean Distress Inks for about any color you want. I used the new Chipped Sapphire and Wild Honey as well as the old standby Peeled Paint. Mixing colors also works great when you need that "exact" color to go with your project.

We went out last night to celebrate the end of "the move" for the kids. I'm too old for this!!!! Ribs and Tiramasu....with a Wine and Advil chaser.

Works for me!

Happy Easter...............Hope Jerry the Easter Bunny has a good day, too.


  1. What a gorgeous frame you made and she is so cute, too!!! I love ho you outlined images with the pen...very cool and it does make it pop! Happy Easter to you and hugs...

  2. Very nice.... And Happy Easter to you and your family!!!

  3. Very cute frame! Love the colors!

  4. Love what you did with the frame, especially the bird.

  5. Beautiful as always!!! I e-mailed you letting you know that I have a blog award for you on my blog ;o)



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