Thursday, January 28, 2010

Home Again, Home Again.... know the rhyme. I actually slept until 10:30am...that would have only been 8:30 Cali time, but still. It really felt good!

The sun is shining and it's only 12 degrees out. BUT, at least it looks nice. The flight home was perfect, just a little deicing at Chicago, and we were on out last leg of the journey.

I REALLY am wondering WHY I didn't take more pictures at the show. I didn't even get a shot of new BFF Deb and me. Sat right next to many other old friends and didn't even think to get a shot.

But in Chicago, I WILL get more pictures. I so wish I had taken a shot of Terri, Judy, and Gail sprawled on the floor outside the classroom doors with their maps out circling all the booths they wanted to hit. Dressed of course in their cute pink shirts. LOVE those gals.

But I can tell you where to find great pix. Go to Suze's blog. She takes THE BEST pictures of EVERYTHING! What a Woman! You won't be sorry...I promise.

So, we're back to reality today.....hope you're still having a great time DEB...soak up all that sunshine and warmth you can....cause it's freezing here!

Create ART!


  1. None to warm on the phone!! Miss u already

  2. Good to see you home again hun....and...missed ya...really, I did ... I have been pacing back and forth, waiting for your latest arty installment...but I will let you off so you can have a rest ... for a few hours ROFL...Honest, I am greeeeen cos I would have loved to have gone to CHA....maybe next time eh? Hugs xx

  3. So glad you made it home safely and got some sleep. I think I'm going to go the CHA Summer. It will be my first one, but I've got the bug.


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