Monday, December 7, 2009

UPDATE 2 !!! Just a note!

After a trip to the local friendly PO, I found I could ship the kits for 1/2 the price I thought! I should have told those who couldn't comment to email me at Sorry about that.

Good News, eh? (Got an email from my Canadian friend Lori and it reminded me of her wonderful inflection! A meetup is on for CHA!)

So in the U.S. they can go for $49.95. I sound like a commercial. This, too, can be yours for the low, low, price of ONLY $49.95. Ha!

Each kit has a full sheet of instructions, a G45 tags sheet (you only use 14 of the 36, so plenty of extras), a color picture of each section of the collage, everything you see to make the wall hanging, and a few little extra pieces thrown in.

Over 75 pieces in all!!!

And thank you, thank you to all the girls who ordered them. They will go out this week!


UPDATE: OK! I had to make up some more kits, so there are plenty again. And made a trip to the PO for more boxes. They are so good to me there.

I'm just sayin' me at and we'll get you set up.


  1. YEAH!!! Can't wait to get it & start playing! Thanks so much for doing that. ;)

    Lisa V.

  2. Good Morning Linda,

    Love the projects you create. Would love to purchase a kit if you have any available. Thank you.

  3. SSB, email me and we'll get you set up!


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