Saturday, October 17, 2009

'Tis Autumn

In the spirit of the season of fall....cornstalks and pumpkins, I show you what I found the other day in my studio.

Here is a watercolor I did a "a few whiles ago," as my daughter used to say!

I thought I'd share after a trip back from Bloomington with all the cornfields still standing. It is too wet here to get into the fields. My ancestors being farmers, I only hope for some dryer days. We'll all be paying for it if the crops rot in the fields.

And on a sunnier note!!! The sun is shining here today and it is wonderful to see.
Be well!


  1. Wonderful painting!!! We have sunshine here too... yay!!!! But there is a lot of wet in the forecast for the week :(

  2. what a beautiful watercolor Linda!! You are such a talented artist.......


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