Thursday, July 23, 2009

Busy Day

Up and out the door to appointments today...the dentist, the beauty shop, then the grocery know the drill.
But tonight I had a few minutes that turned into a couple of hours...never satisfied, must redo this or that.
But I finally got the thing to hang right for the spine decoration on the Blue Metal Book.
I especially like the flower on the tinket pin. That's the second picture. Hard to get a good shot, but I tried.
Lots of Idea-ology pieces here. I'm sure you can recognize them all.

Teresa!!!! You must go to the TSS videos and watch them emboss!!! It is soooo easy. If you need help send me your email address.


  1. Linda: You inspire me. I am such a fan for your work and am trying to figure out how to use the metal from 10 Seconds Studio. I discovered them awhile back and "I just don't get it". Is it difficult? Is it soft and easy to emboss/print? I have to find a class and get this going!!

  2. Teresa,
    You must watch the TSS videos. They are wonderful! Soooo easy to work with this metal!

  3. Wowzers ... I love the way you have embellished this ... I just stumbled across your blog by accident ... I will definitely be coming back ... such inspiration!

  4. Beautiful. So how did you adhere to the spine of the book? I love that you can see each one. Mine were all jumbled up!

  5. These are all strung along a large swivel with jumprings and attached with the hitch.

  6. Its so Beautiful!!
    Thanks for sharing..

    See More Information


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