Monday, June 8, 2009

As we go!

The he saying "what more do you women WANT?????"
Some of our projects with Suze....what a hoot! More pics tomorrow. Beeswax does not photograph well, but boy, was it FUN!

I met some of the most talented and fun people on EARTH!!! Sondra, from Eureka Calif. area. Talented beyond belief and her dry humor made the class sooooooooooo much fun.....DUCK TAPE!!!!!

And who is this cool broad???? Why, my new BFF, Lori....heh? LOVE this gal!!!! Talented and has a heart of gold.
We had the MOST fun and we were definitely the rebel group. I will miss her dearly! I can't even begin to tell you the fun we had!!!!!! Oh, Canada!!!!

Sue, our Doctor of the group. She was at my back, but at the table for dinner the night we got in. And what a great lady! See Heidi doing her aerobics in the background???? sorry...

Here are just a "few" in the stack of tags that we learned a technique on....each one is a different way to use one of the Ranger products. WHEW!

A small portion of the product they sent us home with....I need an addition for all my new "have to have stuff." Ranger is sooooooo generous.
Way more pictures to show you, maybe tomorrow.....have to re-bond with my overstuffed chair and my DVR!!!!
Goodnight and Good Luck!


  1. Lucky Linda....oh no,'s your skill that got you there!!! What fun at Ranger U. So happy for you. Welcome back to Illinois!

  2. Awesome!!! What a thrill for you to be there.

  3. I agree!
    Ranger is THE BEST!!

  4. Glad you are home safe and sound and even more glad you had so much fun and got so much cool swag to bring home and use to make me drool even more when I visit you. Wait, AM I glad about that? I will have to start wearing a bib I imagine. Yeah, it's worth it.

    I can't wait to get home. I'm still in Missouri with my dad - over 2 weeks now. I get to go this Thursday I think. Then I will be home for 2 weeks and back here again 2 weeks and then I should be home a good long while. Can't wait! Anyway, if I miss you here and there - it's only temporary!


  5. Ranger U would not have been nearly as fun without you as a tablemate! Thank you for not only getting my humor, but laughing with me as well!

    Next time, you bring the duct tape and I'll bring the super glue!


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