Sunday, October 12, 2008

Christmas Workshop Class!

Class was really fun today! And they were soooo into their work you could hear a pin drop at times!!!

Here we had 2 girls with their books NEAR done. And it was somebodies birthday, too. Guess who.

The Tim Holtz alcohol inks on Fragments technique was a hit, I think. Everyone's turned out different, and each one a work of art. I only wish I had remembered the camera before they all started to migrate out the door. 13 people to make great gifts for Christmas. Make sure you're nice.

We had a mother and daughter team of Jean and Sheila. Jean was just in the process of putting on the ribbons.....and Sheila was on her way to shop. They were a great group and happy they got a chance to learn to use the Bind-It-All again. Thanks, Ladies!

Next they want a Ten Seconds Studio metal class!!!


  1. I heard from a couple ladies that attended your class & it sounds like it was really fun!! So sorry I had to miss it... :-(

  2. Thanks again for teaching Linda!!! Your classes are a big hit! :)
    Can't wait for your class in January too!


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