Saturday, September 27, 2008

Busy Week!!!

A lot of water has gone under the bridge since I last posted.....and into my son's basement, through the grandson's Eagle Scout project, and out a leaking pipe in a ceiling. The Morton Marching Festival, run by my son, was INSIDE, due to a rain storm. Imagine 22 marching bands rolling through a high school from a tent area, to a community center, and into the gym....and it worked! WOW!
My daughter came for a 3 day visit! We had a pet crisis with an aging dog (daughter's) and a late night trip to take her home....her husband, was working overtime on his job, telephone man. We all worked in the telco field, so I know how that is.
Emma turned 4!!! Going on at least 16. And Erin won the grand prize at her school for highest magazine sales! Got to "roll in the dough" and ride in a HUMMER limo!!
Soooooo, now that things have settled down. I have been playing.

Here is a Maya Road tag, wings and blossom flower with a Paper Whimsy vintage photo and Ten Seconds Studio metal for a background. A piece of Grungeboard and an Idea-ology piece adorn the top. I used Perfect Pearls on the wings. Paint Dabbers added color on the hinge and a touch on the edges of the wings. The paper is from Graphic 45....I love that stuff!

I posted this and decided it needed something...I added dots to define the wings and make the colors pop in other areas...much better!

Be good to each other!


  1. Absolutely fabulous Linda ~ love the elegant way you incorporate so many goodies on one small piece - beautiful composition.

  2. Hi, Linda!

    I couldn't express myself any better than Suse did above! Fantastic!!


  3. Your granddaughters are precious! And I love that tag - so many details and just gorgeous.

  4. Life would really be boring without the kids and grandkids wouldn't it.....At least mine would be.....maybe not boring but a lot quieter.....but I love it and I love your projects.

  5. Love that...4 going on 16...too funny. Love you tags too! You ROCK!

  6. Wow! Both to your week and to your artsy tags.

  7. Linda - Gorgeous. Magnificent!


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