Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Played with more metal last night. Late into the night. Had to watch the weather as I AM the storm watcher for the family!!! They know they can go to bed and sleep without worry because I WILL be up making sure no one gets caught unaware!!! Yep, that's my job. Night Protector of the Storms....

Anyway, I painted 3 wooded letters with metallic acrylic paints by Plaid. Then I traced the letters onto 36g aluminum metal from Ten Seconds Studio. Emboss and deboss with tools. Attach the heavy duty adhesive to the back, and THEN cut out the letter. Very important tip there, it works best that way. Peel off the backing and lay the letter on top, carefully placing evenly around the edges. Burnish the edges with a wooden skewer or bone folder.
You can buy Ten Seconds Studio metal and tools online here.

And it's done!!! Place in a prominent place in your home or studio, or give it to a budding artist as a gift!

Check out Wendy's blog for exciting information on HER OWN STAMP LINE FROM STAMPER"S ANONYMOUS!!!! YEA, WENDY!


  1. WOWZERS these letter are gorgeous! I have been wanting to try the stuff from Ten second studios for a while! I am sure it is not as easy as you make is sound!

  2. WOW, Linda!!!! You are really FANTASTIC with metal (as well with other media!!!!) . . . I LOVE these letters!!!!

  3. Linda where can I get that metal? I love that! Thanks!!

  4. http://www.marcopaper.com/
    You can order online here. Not sure if this will let you click on it. But there is a line for online shopping on this posting.

  5. Totally COOL metal work!
    When you get tired of them, you know where I live!!

  6. I love what you are doing with the metal and thanks for the good tip on cutting...


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