Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Interview with The Dabbling Mum

I just received an email that Alyice Edrich of the Dabbling Mum has published her interview that she took with me earlier on her site. If you have time, check it out. She has some wonderful interviews with people in all kinds of mediums and will have several more to come.

My interview is at: And her personal blog made my day with her comment.... Create Art for the Right Reasons! . Thanks, Alyice!

Here is the Garden Angel that Erin and Poppie made with Grungeboard on it. The angel has a golden Grungeboard butterfly and beaded body. Don't you love the sweet face Erin made for the lovely lady...and her white scalloped collar? The wire hair was a collaboration! And the butterfly is holding up great in the outdoors!

And I finally got the battery charged enough to get the birdhouse picture taken. I used really great foamies by Making Memories ! Really crisp for a foam stamp...and the wrens are enjoying the unit!

Be well.....keep Wendy's Rick in your thoughts and prayers as he is still recovering from his eye surgery...hang in there Rick!!!!!!


  1. What a beautiful birdhouse. I love those images, and the color combination too. Beautiful.

  2. Great job ERIN!!! Looks like you inherited some talent from your grandmother!

    LOVE the birdhouse too. I'm sure it looks great in that picture perfect yard!


  3. Linda, the birdhouse is darling! The colors in your yard are wonderful--makes me want to mix up some purple paint and put it on something--maybe my cat--he he--I think she's (Katie) reading over my shoulder. That darn cat even watches TV--Animal Planet. Go figure. If I could just get her to vacuum, I'd have it made. :) Penny in Missouri

  4. Oh so glad you came by, so that I could come to see your beautiful blog also..!

  5. Linda, your interview was a very interesting read. Thanks for the link up.

  6. The bird house is gorgeous! In my thoughts and prayers! Take care Linda!

  7. Love this birdhouse...My sister has at least 20 in her backyard and birds are everywhere...she would die for this one...Just Beautiful!


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