Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Class was a BLAST!

Great class, they all used different papers, and it worked out. It REALLY had my mind working overtime to figure out how their different papers would be cut to get the effect they each wanted!!!! Seven different designs. WOW...but boy, did they ALL turn out wonderful!!! I was so proud of all of them. It just goes to show you, that whatever someone picks, it will be beautiful in it's own way. We had pink and blue, brown and green, multi-colored floral, stamped and unstamped. I remembered to take my camera, but did NOT remember to take a picture.....what can I say. DUH!

And thank Heavens, my book got there in OK condition. Came home to an email from Lisa that all was well.... Picked up another home-cooked meal on the way home (Papa Murphy's Pizza) and called it a day. Hey, I BAKED it!

What more can a girl ask for in one day!!!


  1. You COOKED on the weekend??
    HORRORS!! HA! What a gal!
    That Bill is one lucky guy!

  2. The class was so much fun! I was so thankful that it turned out okay that everyone had to pick out their own paper. I enjoyed that each of us had their our interpretation! Now that I looked at my wine box this morning, I really do like it...I was afraid the top and bottom pieces were too similar. Thanks for your advice on how to paint the inside....the recipient (we know who that is) will love it!

  3. Linda, thank you so much for the great class! It was so fun watching everyone put their own spin on the boxes---the paper combinations were all so fun and how they all put them together was all their own. It was a blast! You & Linda will have to fill me in on the painting thing.....cuz that's gonna be a holiday gift to everyone this year!


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